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Target Coding
Weston, Florida

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Expert Chiropractic Billing and Coding Seminars

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Target Coding has been helping chiropractic and MD-DC-PT offices get paid fairly and properly for more than 10 years. Our billing compliance, documentation and CPT coding products and services are designed to be educational, enlightening and financially rewarding. We'll help you incorporate the most ethical and highest quality billing and coding policies and procedures.

Not knowing how to go about ensuring proper reimbursement can be very frustrating. We can provide you and your CAs with the "tools and ammunition" necessary to get paid properly. We have hundreds of chiropractic offices using our products and services nationwide…simply stated, we are widely regarded as the industry leader in compliant billing, coding and documentation for chiropractic and MD-DC-PT offices.

We predict for the next 5-7 years insurance reimbursement will be about the same as it is today. HMOs, PPOs, Personal Injury and General Healthcare Insurance will still cover chiropractic services. After that, who knows? Question: Do You Know How To Maximize Reimbursement for EVERY SINGLE patient that walks into your office?

After 10 years of experience visiting hundreds of chiropractors across the country, we found five very important items being overlooked…1) How to Establish and Document Medical Necessity in the SOAP Notes, 2) Ammunition to Fight for Fair Reimbursement, 3) Compliant Coding, 4) Accurate Fees and 5) Knowing How To Create Proper Treatment Plans and How To Update Those Plans In Order To Justify Continued Care. Proper utilization of these five items can provide an exceptional method to deliver high quality care, offer excellent financial return and help you sleep better at night.

We see hundreds of chiropractors losing thousands of dollars unnecessarily because of improper and out-dated billing and coding procedures. Let us show you how to incorporate the most advanced billing and coding strategies so you can better justify the clinical rationale for all the services you provide plus know how much to charge for every procedure you render. Stop giving things away for free!

We have proven products and services that eliminate confusion and bring organization to your practice. We keep it simple, relevant and interesting for you and all staff members. As far as we're concerned, it really doesn't matter if you are you a cash practice, accept assignment, par with Medicare, non-par with Medicare, in-network, out-of-network or a personal injury practice because all practices benefit from Target Coding's products and services!

We offer many outstanding products and services designed to help you and your staff members become experts at patient and insurance reimbursement. Please contact us if you have any questions. We have so much wonderful information to share and we look forward to working with you. Thank You.